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Statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the latest fact of armed aggression against Ukraine from the territory of the Russian Federation
27 May 2014 12:30

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine expresses resolute protest pertaining to another breakthrough of an armed terrorist group into Ukrainian territory from the Russian side. Despite warnings passed on by Ukraine through diplomatic channels regarding concentration of up to 40 trucks with armed people on the border with Ukraine, Russian side did not assume any measures to prevent their breakthrough into the territory of Ukraine.

On May 27 around 4 am the convoy consisting of several trucks and passenger cars made an attempt to cross the state border of Ukraine in the area of Astakhove locality (Luhansk region).
The abovementioned actions were taking place at total inactivity of Russian border guards. Moreover, there is every ground to declare that Russian terrorists’ forwarding into Ukrainian territory is being organized and financed under Kremlin and Russian intelligence agencies’ control.   

In fact, we are dealing with uncovered aggression against Ukraine from the Russian side, with exporting Russian terrorism into the territory of our country. At present our law enforcement officers in Eastern regions of Ukraine stand against skilled armed Russian mercenaries, who are ready to plunder, intimidate, torture and murder Ukrainian citizens.

The world is confident that Kremlin’s attempts to put their own responsibility for events in Eastern regions of Ukraine on the Ukrainian authorities and anti-terrorist operation forces are nothing but false and cynical propaganda.

Aggressive actions of Russia and Russia-subordinated collaborationists from the terrorist organizations “Donetsk People’s Republic” and “Luhansk People’s Republic” are another evidence of Kremlin not planning to implement Geneva agreements even after the world-recognized democratic presidential elections have been held in Ukraine.

We call upon the international community to take urgent and drastic measures to stop Russian aggression against Ukraine and global order. Continued attempts to reach out to Kremlin with hopes for any kind of constructive dialogue cost more human losses on the ground. Russian invader bears the sole responsibility for these deaths.     

Concerted efforts are needed to make Kremlin stop terrorists and weapons supply into the territory of our state, withdraw Russian subversives from Ukraine in order to renew peace and stability in our country and the region.

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