Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine rejects approaches that have been issued in the Russian Foreign Ministry's statement on Support Group for Ukraine. The statement by its content and ultimatum-like character confirms that the Russian Federation is governed by the logic of the aggressor.
Russian offers are overwhelmed with international law nihilism, disregard for international law and are contrary to the principle of non-interference in internal affairs as enshrined in Art. 2 of the UN Charter. According to the mentioned principle, each state determines the form of government, political structure and political system on its own.
Russian demand to recognize the right of the Crimea independently determine its fate is nothing more than another attempt to adjust shaky legal basis to justify an act of aggression against Ukraine as defined by UN General Assembly Resolution number 3314 ( XXIX ) of 14.12.1974.
Russia's actions are contrary to the principle of territorial integrity of our country and other fundamental norms of international law, the UN Charter, the CSCE Final Act, the Declaration on Principles of International Law of 1970.
The proposed ideas reflect fully unacceptable approach - to redraw the borders of Ukraine, deny its sovereign rights to domestic and foreign policy and undermine the foundations of international relations in the post-war, post-communist and post-Soviet Europe.
Ukraine remains open for negotiations to resolve the situation in Crimea. But such talks can take place only with the full participation of Ukraine and based on respect for the principles of territorial integrity and non-interference in the internal affairs of our state.