On 30 November 2016, in the framework of visit to the Republic of Kenya, the Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Mr. Sergiy Kyslytsia held a meeting with Dr.Joan Clos, Executive Director of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat), based in Nairobi.
During the meeting a wide range of issues was discussed, including positive and negative trends of urbanization, challenges faced by cities and towns and villages in process of their development as well as ways to overcome them.
Mr. Sergiy Kyslytsia welcomed the adoption during the Third United Nations Conference on Human Settlements and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III, Quito, Ecuador, October 2016) of the New Urban Agenda - renewed political commitment to sustainable urban development and the implementation of sustainable development goals in 2030.
During the meeting both sides identified priority areas for further bilateral cooperation between Ukraine and the UN-Habitat, in particular, the possible involvement of expert support from UN-Habitat in initiating and implementing joint programs for modernization of urban infrastructure in Ukraine and future reconstruction of the infrastructure of cities, towns and villages which were ravaged in consequence of escalation of security situation in the zone of anti-terrorist operation, as well as housing construction for the internally displaced persons.