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Statement by Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin
16 March 2018 11:22

Responding to the mounting wave of Russian denials and counter accusations over the attempted murder of Sergei Skripal, Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin said:

“It is now very clear that Russia is not only planning but is already executing a massive disinformation campaign, similar to how it responded to MH17 based on their familiar 4D strategy of Dismissing, Distorting, Distracting and Dismaying .

“Now, we know Russia lies on an industrial scale, so the only way to deal with this is with the same contempt with which they initially reacted Britain’s Prime Minister Theresa May when she said it seemed likely Russia was responsible.

“We must not let lies, industrially manufactured by the Kremlin, distract the world from the truth”.

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