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The 74th session of the United Nations General Assembly opens today in New York
17 September 2019 14:18

Ukraine, being one of the founding Members of the Organization, advocates strengthening the role of multilateral mechanisms, in particular that of the United Nations, in addressing the pressing problems of today. Providing ever-persistent attempts to destroy the existing world order, based on international law and the Principles of the UN Charter, the leading role of this International Organization is of critical importance.

Within the framework of the new session of the UN General Assembly, we will continue to work on the implementation of the national priorities, primarily on restoring sovereignty and territorial integrity of our state.

Thus, we commend the results of the voting on September 16, 2019, on the inclusion in the draft agenda of the 74th session of a separate item “The situation in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine”.

We count on further support by the international partners on the issues of ending the armed aggression against Ukraine as well as peaceful settlement and de-occupation of the Crimean peninsula and the certain parts of Donbas.

We express our support for the priorities outlined by the President of the 74th session, Ambassador Tijani Muhammad-Bande, on promotion peace and security, fight against poverty, quality education and inclusive societies development. We look forward to fruitful negotiations of the world community within the framework of the general debate to be held next week.

During this period we are ready to contribute actively to the successful outcome of the “five summits for the people of the planet” initiated by the UN Secretary-General and Member States: the first Summit on the Sustainable Development Goals, the Climate Summit as well as high level meetings on health protection, financing for development and on the challenges faced by the small island states.

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