The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine strongly condemns the ongoing human rights violations and the use of force against peaceful demonstrators in Georgia. Violence will not remain without consequences.
The Georgian authorities must respect the fundamental right of their citizens to peaceful protest. Particularly, when the protests are driven by the government’s decision to halt Georgia’s progress towards EU membership, contrary to the European aspirations of the Georgian people.
We are perplexed by the Georgian government’s attempts to claim that the country’s European integration continues while its actions demonstrate a pivot toward Moscow. Ukrainian politicians who once sought to derail Ukraine’s path to the EU and steer it into Russia’s orbit similarly claimed they were merely “pausing” rather than abandoning Ukraine’s European integration.
We strongly reject the persistent attempts of the Georgian authorities to involve Ukraine in internal political processes in their country. The Georgian government should stop intimidating its people with the myth of so-called “Ukrainian scenario”, while simultaneously implementing a “Belarusian scenario” in practice.
Ukraine has been and remains committed to democratic transformation in Georgia and its further European and Euro-Atlantic integration, which meets the interests of the Georgian people. In this context, we express solidarity with our Georgian diplomat colleagues who have publicly opposed the decision of the Georgian government to withdraw EU accession negotiations from the agenda.
We deeply understand the challenges faced by our Georgian colleagues, because in 2004 and 2014, at one of the most critical moments in Ukrainian history, the diplomatic service of Ukraine stood up for the democratic choice of the Ukrainian people, exemplifying professionalism, and civic courage.
We are convinced that European integration is the key to stability, prosperity and strengthening of democratic institutions in Georgia, and we strive for a successful future for our peoples in the great European family. Our solidarity with the Georgian people remains unwavering.