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Dmytro Kuleba's visit to Croatia
28 June 2024, 18:14

Add to calendar 2024-06-28 18:17:46 2024-06-29 18:17:44 Europe/Kiev Dmytro Kuleba's visit to Croatia Event organizer. [email protected]

On June 28-29, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba will visit the Republic of Croatia, where he will participate in the 17th Dubrovnik Forum and hold a number of bilateral negotiations.

During the forum, the minister will take part in the panel discussion "North - South, East - West: in search of safe passages", accompanied by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Croatia Andrej Plenković, Secretary General of the Council of Europe Maria Pejčinović-Burić, Head of EU Diplomacy Josep Borrell, Special Representative of the Government of the People's Republic of China  on European affairs Wu Hongbo, Director General of WHO Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Parliamentary Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Japan Fukazawa Yoichi.

The key topics of the discussion will be the restoration of peace and security in Ukraine and the whole Europe, the outcomes of the First Peace Summit and further efforts on the implementation of President Zelenskyy’s Peace Formula, strengthening international support for our state, Ukraine's cooperation with the countries of the Western Balkans, particularly in the context of European integration.

Dmytro Kuleba will also hold a series of bilateral negotiations on the forum’s sidelines.

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