At the 2010 Washington Nuclear Security Summit, Ukraine declared its decision to remove all stockpiles of highly enriched uranium materials before the Seoul Nuclear Security Summit on March 26-27, 2012.
A number of political documents, including the Joint Statement of the President of Ukraine and the President of the United States of America of April 12, 2010 and the Ukraine-U.S. Memorandum of Understanding on Nuclear Security Cooperation confirmed this decision.
On March 22, 2012 with U.S. and IAEA support, Ukraine completely fulfilled its internationally declared commitments and shipped to the Russian Federation the remaining HEU materials from the Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology.
With this step our country has once again confirmed its long term commitment to nuclear disarmament and nonproliferation and made a practical contribution to further strengthening of the nonproliferation regime established by the NPT.
In the framework of agreements with the United States, our country received an equivalent quantity of low enriched uranium (LEU) and related safety equipment. In addition, the U.S. side financed the construction of a state-of-the-art neutron source facility at the Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology. These steps, as well as further cooperation with the United States in this area will facilitate the strengthening of capabilities of national research-and-development institutions in applied physics, build up potential for wide range isotope production, support cancer treatment and oncological diagnostic services.