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Minister for Foreign Affairs Leonid Kozhara meets GUAM Secretary General Valeri Chechelashvili
17 September 2013 16:00

During the meeting the Sides discussed the issues related to the collaboration within the framework of GUAM including activisation of the sectoral cooperation, in economic and trade, transport, combating organized crime, energy spheres.

Special attention was paid to the cooperation with the main partners of the Organization – the USA and the EU, the interparliamentary dialogue in the GUAM area, as well as the preparation for the 21th Meeting of the GUAM Council of Ministers for Foreign Affairs and high level dialogues in “GUAM–USA”, “GUAM–Japan” and “GUAM – Pacific Alliance” format which are to be held on 26 September 2013 in New York within the framework of the 68th Session of the UN General Assembly.

Leonid Kozhara confirmed the interest of Ukraine to continue a consistent collaboration within the framework of the Organization, to develop mutually beneficial relations with the GUAM Member and the GUAM Partner States.



Minister for Foreign Affairs Leonid Kozhara meets GUAM Secretary General Valeri Chechelashvili

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