Acting Foreign Minister of Ukraine Andrii Deshchytsia leads the Governmental delegation of Ukraine at the Nuclear Security Summit, which will be held on March 24-25 in The Hague (the Netherlands).
The main purpose of the Summit is to discuss the pressing issues for further reduction of nuclear materials in the world and ensuring their physical security.
Heads of state and government from 54 countries, as well as leaders of several international organizations including the UN, EU, IAEA and Interpol are expected to take part in the Summit.
During the meeting there will be presentation of a number of voluntary initiatives whose implementation will contribute to achieving the goals of the Summit. There will also be national reporting on progress in implementing the decisions of previous summits. In particular, the delegation of Ukraine will present the National Report on the implementation of the agreements reached during the 2012 Seoul Summit on nuclear safety.
Minister Deshchytsia plans to hold a series of bilateral meetings to discuss, in particular, the measures in response to military aggression of Russia against Ukraine.