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Meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Eastern Partnership countries: internationally recognized borders of countries-participants could not been changed
09 September 2014 21:55

On September 9 in Baku 4th Informal Dialog Meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Eastern Partnership was held. Ukraine was represented by Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs on European Integration Issues Elena Zerkal, European Union - European Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighborhood Policy Stefan Fule and Deputy Secretary General for the European External Action Service Helga Schmidt. 

During the meeting Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine stressed that they are waiting for a concrete message at Riga Eastern Partnership Summit about perspective of accession.

Special attention was paid to the security issues. “Independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the partner countries is crucial for the EU" - said Fule. He also expressed a hope that by common efforts we could find the ways of establishing peace in the region.

The representative of the European External Action Service Helga Schmidt expressed hope that the meeting in Baku will contribute to the further development of cooperation between the EU and partner countries in overcoming new security challenges faced by all countries in the region.

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