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Ukraine and the Federal Republic of Germany continue the successful bilateral cooperation in the sphere of CBRN defense and security
02 February 2018 20:13

The issue of strengthening chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) defense and security is relevant for Ukraine.

Since June 2014, a new format for focused consideration of Ukraine’s project proposals concerning CBRN defense and security has been launched within the framework of the G7 Global Partnership against the Spread of Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction Initiative to attract more international assistance for implementing these proposals.

Under the inter-agency coordination, provided by the Directorate General for International Security of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, it was decided to extend the Agreement (Exchange of Notes) between the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the German Government on cooperation in the field of biological, and chemical defense and nuclear / radiological security within the framework of the G7 Global Partnership against the Spread of Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction Initiative up to December 31, 2019.

The prolongation of the Agreement will enable to continue the practical realization of a number of CBRN defense and security projects which are important for our State. To this end, the German Party will provide Ukraine with financial assistance of up to 8 million euros. These funds will be used by the competent Ukrainian authorities to purchase equipment for detecting and eliminating CBRN threats, as well as for obtaining relevant engineering and technical services, and carrying out thematic trainings.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine believes that the continuation of the fruitful bilateral cooperation with the Federal Republic of Germany in this sphere will increase the effectiveness of the CBRN defense and security system not only in Ukraine but also in Europe.

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