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Tallinn Mechanism: Ukraine and international partners launched a new tool for cyber cooperation
20 December 2023 17:45

The Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Canada, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Poland, Sweden, Great Britain and the United States of America announced the launch of a new tool for cooperation in the field of cybersecurity - the Tallinn Mechanism.

This step will strengthen the cooperation of partner countries in the cyber industry against the background of Russia's aggression against Ukraine.

The introduction of the mechanism is the result of the joint work of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the National Cyber Security Coordination Center, the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, the State Service for Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine, the Security Service of Ukraine and other involved cyber security entities of our country.

Within the framework of the Tallinn Mechanism, assistance to Ukraine will be coordinated to support and strengthen national cybersecurity and cyber resilience, protect Ukraine's critical infrastructure, and prevent Russian cyber operations.

The new international instrument will also complement existing international efforts to build cyber resilience and cyber defense of Ukraine's civil infrastructure.

In addition to the partner states, non-governmental organizations and the private sector are invited to participate in the work of the Tallinn Mechanism.

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