Це стало лейтмотивом зустрічі Заступника міністра закордонних справ України Василя Боднара з Послом Грузії в Україні Теймуразом Шарашенідзе.
It became the keynote of the meeting between Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Vasyl Bodnar and Ambassador of Georgia to Ukraine Teimuraz Sharashenidze.
Particular attention was paid to the practical content of political and economic components of Ukraine -Georgia cooperation, in particular the preparation of a number of high-level visits, the Tenth Session of the Joint Intergovernmental Commission on Economic Cooperation, as well as interaction between the foreign ministries.
The interlocutors also exchanged views on the possible ways to increase effectiveness of GUAM and strengthen its role on the international arena.
The Georgian side was informed about the situation in the Donbas and Ukraine's initiatives aimed at settling the Russian-Ukrainian armed conflict.